Selection of Student reviews For Political economy

"I thought this was a very interesting course, and it’s one that I would recommend to any economics major looking to go into research."

"Overall I really enjoyed this course and thought Matteo was a great teacher! I genuinely found a lot of the content we learned to be really interesting and it has inspired me to want to learn more about the political economy in the future. Really happy I chose this elective, I think it would make a great addition to the econ elective options if added more permanently."

"I really enjoyed Mr. Ferroni's class. He is a very competent instructor and his class affirmed my interest in political economy. I genuinely enjoyed doing my assignments and being in this class. It's very motivating to see a young person so competent. BU is very lucky to have him. I'm grateful to have been in his class."

"Really good professor. Always helpful inside and outside of class."

"Prof Ferroni was very encouraging throughout the semester. He was flexible and understanding. He really knows what he is talking about."

"I enjoyed how this course has taught me about the cultural factors that affect economic outcomes while also showing how research works practically in the economic field. Matteo did a great job of explaining all of these things, as well as going in-depth with his own experience."

"Professor Ferroni explained concepts well, and was always willing to answer questions and concerns. The course design taught very practical skills in reading and understanding economic papers."

"Clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about the material."

"The instructor was very passionate and knowledgeable about the subject which made the class interesting to listen to. I feel that I have learned a lot of different concepts due to the diversity of the curriculum. Overall, I definitely would like to recognize the exceptional effort that the instructor has put into preparation of the course."

"Ferroni is passionate about the subject and it shows. His lectures are very interesting, he accommodating and generally a solid lecturer. His personal qualities are all positive."

"Maybe the best econ elective I have ever taken. Matteo is an excellent lecturer and always willing to help. He clearly put so much effort into this course and chose some really interesting research papers that made for good conversation outside of just the class."

"One of my favorite instructors I've had at BU.... It's clear Ferroni is passionate about the subject. His class is very interesting. I appreciate how well prepared he was with his slides. They were very thorough and made the studies very digestible for comprehension (for someone that hasn't yet taken EC 204). He also values student feedback. He surveyed us in the middle of the semester and asked us for any complaints. After reviewing our feedback, he implemented changes to better accommodate our needs. As a student, I deeply appreciate this as I feel supported and heard by the instructor. He wants us to succeed and definitely creates an environment where that is possible. Very excellent course and instructor."